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  Á¦13ºÎ ¼®¡¤µµÀÚ¡¤À¯¸®Á¦Ç° > Á¦69·ù µµÀÚÁ¦Ç° > Á¦6903È£ ±âŸ ³»È­¼º µµÀÚÁ¦Ç°
Á¦6903È£ÀÇ Çؼ³

69.03 - Other refractory ceramic goods (for example, retorts, crucibles, muffles, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and slide gates), other than those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths.

This heading covers all refractory goods not specified or included in the preceding headings.
These articles include :

(1) Articles which, unlike the refractory products of heading 69.02, are in many cases not permanent fixtures, such as retorts, reaction vessels, crucibles, cupels and similar articles for industrial or laboratory use, muffles, nozzles, plugs, burner jets and similar parts of furnaces; saggars, stands and other kiln furniture to support or separate pottery during firing; sheaths and rods; stands for crucibles; ingot moulds; slide gates, rollers, blanks, forming tools, and pots; etc.

(2) Tubing, piping (including runways in the form of half-cylinders) and angles, bends and similar tube or pipe fittings, even if intended for use as permanent fixtures in construction work.

The heading does not, however, include Seger cones (ceramic firing testers) (see Explanatory Note to heading 38.24); these are not fired after shaping.

Subheading Explanatory Note.

Subheading 6903.10
For the purpose of this subheading the term "free carbon" applies to carbon species such as graphite, amorphous carbon (carbon black) and organic carbon (pitch, tar or resin).

¢¸ Á¦6902È£ Á¦6904È£ ¢º

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