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  Á¦16ºÎ ±â°è·ù¡¤Àü±â±â±â > Á¦84·ù ±â°è·ù > Á¦8426È£ Å©·¹ÀÎ
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84.26 ‑ Ships' derricks; cranes, including cable cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane.

The heading covers a number of intermittent‑action lifting or handling machines.

In general, the heading covers not only fixed or stationary machines, but (with certain exceptions referred to below concerning machines mounted on transport equipment of the type falling in Section XVII) also mobile machines, whether or not self‑propelled.
The exceptionsare :

(a) Machines mounted on vehicles proper to Chapter 86.
Lifting or handling machines are classified in heading 86.04 if they are mounted on wagons or trucks, of a kind suitable for coupling to a train designed to run on a railway network of any gauge. Railway breakdown cranes or crane wagons or trucks for servicing the permanent way or rolling‑stock, and crane wagons or trucks for use in railroad goods loading depots, usually comply with this condition. Self‑propelled vehicles for the servicing and maintenance of railway tracks fall also in heading 86.04. On the other hand, lifting or handling machines mounted on trucks or platforms not meeting the specifications of true railway rolling‑stock remain classified in this heading. This is usually the case, for example, with contractors' cranes mounted to run on rails in servicing building sites, quarries, etc.

(b) Machinesmounted on tractors or motor vehicles proper to Chapter 87.

(1) Machines mounted on tractor type bases.
Certain working parts of the machines of this heading may be mounted on tractors which are constructed essentially for hauling or pushing another vehicle, appliance or load but, like agricultural tractors, are fitted with simple devices for operating the working tools. Such working tools are subsidiary equipment for occasional work. In general, they are relatively light and can be mounted or changed at the working site by the user himself. In such cases, the working tools remain in this heading provided they constitute machines of this heading, or in heading 84.31 if they are parts of those machines, even if presented with the tractor (whether or not mounted thereon), while the tractor with its operating equipment is classified separately in heading 87.01.
On the other hand, this heading covers self‑propelled machines in which the propelling base, the operating controls, the working tools and their actuating equipment are specially designed for fitting together to form an integral mechanical unit. This applies, for example, to a propelling base resembling a tractor, but specially designed, constructed or reinforced to form an integral part of a machine performing one or more of the functions mentioned in this heading (lifting, handling, etc.). Presented separately, such propelling bases also fall in this heading, as incomplete machines having the essential features of complete machines of the same kind. Propelling bases potentially classifiable in several of the headings 84.25 to 84.30 because they can be equipped with several different working parts, are classified in accordance with Note 3 to Section XVI or by application of Interpretative Rule 3 (c).
For more detailed criteria for distinguishing between the tractors of heading 87.01 and the propelling bases of this Chapter, see Explanatory Note to heading 87.01.

(2) Machines mounted on automobile chassis or lorries.
Certain lifting or handling machines (e.g., ordinary cranes, light breakdown cranes) are often mounted on what is in fact an essentially complete automobile chassis or lorry in that it comprises at least the following mechanical features : propelling engine, gear‑box and controls for gear‑changing, and steering and braking facilities. Such assemblies fall to be classified in heading 87.05 as special purpose motor vehicles, whether the lifting or handling machine is simply mounted on the vehicle or forms an integral mechanical unit with it, unless they are vehicles designed essentially for transport purposes falling in heading 87.04.
On the other hand, this heading includes self‑propelled machines in which one or more of the propelling or control elements referred to above are located in the cab of a lifting or handling machine (generally a crane) mounted on a wheeled chassis, whether or not the whole can be driven on the road under its own power.
The cranes of this heading do not generally move under load or, if they do, the movement is limited and subsidiary to their main function of lifting.

(c) Machines on floating structures proper to Chapter 89.
All lifting or handling machines (e.g. derricks and cranes) mounted on pontoons or other floating structures, whether or not self‑propelled, are classified in Chapter 89.

Many machines, in addition to carrying out the functions described in this heading or heading 84.25, 84.27 or 84.28 (lifting, loading, etc.) can also perform the functions described in heading 84.29 or 84.30 (excavating, levelling, boring, etc.). These machines are classified in accordance with Note 3 to Section XVI or by application of Interpretative Rule 3 (c). Examples are mechanical shovels, draglines, etc., which by interchanging jibs or end attachments can be used as cranes, combined coal‑cutting and loading machines, combined trenching and pipe lifting and lowering machines, etc.

Lifting, loading, handling, etc., machines presented separately are, however, classified in this heading even if intended for incorporation in other machines or for mounting on transport vehicles or vessels of Section XVII.

The heading covers lifting or handling machines usually based on pulley, winch or jacking systems, and often including large proportions of static structural steelwork, etc.
These static structural elements (e.g., crane pedestals and gantries) are classified in this heading when they are presented as parts of a more or less complete handling machine.
When presented separately, they are classified in heading 84.31 provided they are fitted or designed to be fitted with the mechanical features essential for the operation of the moving parts of the complete installation (wheels, rollers, pulleys, running or guide rails, etc.). Otherwise these structural elements are classified in heading 73.08.
The heading covers :

(1) Bridge cranes, which consist of a powerful lifting unit suspended from a heavy cross beam or "bridge", the whole moving on wide gauge rails. Similar bridge cranes used in nuclear reactors for changing or extracting the fuel elements are also classified here.

(2) Gantry cranes and overhead travelling cranes in which the beam itself runs on rails fixed on walls or on suitable supporting metal structures.

(3) Transporter cranes, fixed or running on rails. These are sometimes very long and normally have a cantilever extension (which may or may not be articulated) over berths or unloading areas and are equipped with a hoisting trolley or crab running along the whole length of the beam. Special types are used for handling blocks of building stone or containers and in shipbuilding.

(4) Mobile lifting frames on tyred wheels, particularly for container handling. These machines may be self‑propelled, provided they are designed to operate when stationary or, if they are able to move with their load over short distances, that they are simple portals which in most cases consist of a horizontal beam supported by two vertical members (sometimes of the telescopic type), each resting on a set of wheels.

(5) Straddle carriers, which consist of a chassis of the "straddle" type, generally with vertical telescopic members for adjusting the height. This chassis is normally mounted on four or more tyred wheels which usually serve both as driving and steering wheels so as to permit manoeuvres within a very small radius.
Owing to their special design they are able to position themselves over a load, lift it by means of special gripping devices, transport it over short distances and then lower it again. Some of these carriers are sufficiently wide and high to be positioned directly over transport vehicles for lifting or lowering the load.
Straddle carriers are used in factories, warehouses, dock areas, airports, etc., for handling long loads (profile shapes, tree trunks, timber, etc.) or for stacking containers.

(6) Tower cranes. These cranes comprise essentially a tower, usually composed of individual sections, of considerable height, fixed or running on rail, a main horizontal jib, fitted with trolleys, winches, service platforms and a cab for the operator, a counterweight jib with counterweights, tie bars to support the jibs, and a slewing device, either at the top or at the bottom, to enable the crane to rotate. The tower may contain hydraulic cylinders or jacks and a climbing frame which raise the jib so that additional tower sections can be attached to increase the working height of the crane.

(7) Portal or pedestal cranes, as used in harbours, which are jib cranes supported on tall four legged pedestals which run on rails of such wide gauge as to span one or more normal railway tracks.

(8) Jib or derrick cranes (but see the introduction to this Explanatory Note regarding railway breakdown cranes, crane lorries, floating cranes, etc.). Jib or derrick cranes are used for lifting loads and sometimes also moving them laterally. They consist essentially of a boom or jib which may be jointed to provide adjustable reach and to facilitate working. The hoisting cable passes over pulleys at the top of the boom and is driven by a winch. The jib or boom may be supported by a vertical support, sometimes of considerable height.

(9) Cableways and cable cranes, which are installations for transporting suspended loads. They consist of one or more bearer cables supported on fixed or movable towers, and a trolley running on the cables and fitted with a mechanism for hoisting and lowering the loads. They are used for handling materials on large construction sites, dams, bridges, quarries, etc.

(10) Ships' derricks, which consist of a fixed upright arm, to the base of which is pivoted a load‑carrying arm which can be raised by a pulley system. (See the introduction to this Explanatory Note regarding similar machines mounted on floating pontoons, etc.)

(11) Works trucks fitted with a crane, which are designed for moving loads over short distances in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports by means of a light crane mounted on a chassis of the works truck type, usually in the form of a box frame, with a long wheel‑base and a wide track to avoid overbalancing.

Subject to the general provisions regarding the classification of parts (see the General Explanatory Note to Section XVI), parts of the machines of this heading are classified in heading 84.31.

The heading excludes crane lorries of heading 87.05.
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