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Chemical elements can be divided into two classes, non‑metals and metals. In general, this sub‑Chapter includes all non‑metals at least in some of their forms, whereas numerous metals are classified elsewhere : ‑ precious metals (Chapter 71 and heading 28.43), base metals (Chapters 72 to 76 and 78 to 81) and radioactive chemical elements and isotopes (heading 28.44) and stable isotopes (heading 28.45).
An alphabetical list of the various known elements, indicating the appropriate classification, is given below. Some elements, such as antimony, behave both as metals and as non‑metals; attention is drawn to their classification in the Nomenclature.
ElementSymbolAtomic numberClassification
ActiniumAc89Radioactive element (28.44).
AluminiumAl13Base metal (Chapter 76).
AmericiumAm95Radioactive element (28.44).
AntimonySb51Base metal (81.10).
ArgonAr18Rare gas (28.04).
ArsenicAs33Non.metal (28.04).
AstatineAt85Radioactive element (28.44).
BariumBa56Alkaline.earth metal (28.05).
BerkeliumBk97Radioactive element (28.44).
BerylliumBe4Base metal (81.12).
BismuthBi83Base metal (81.06).
BoronB5Non.metal (28.04).
BromineBr35Non.metal (28.01).
CadmiumCd48Base metal (81.07).
CaesiumCs55Alkali metal (28.05).
CalciumCa20Alkaline.earth metal (28.05).
CaliforniumCf98Radioactive element (28.44).
CarbonC6Non.metal (28.03). (But see 38.01 for artificial graphite.)
CeriumCe58Rare.earth metal (28.05).
ChlorineCl17Non.metal (28.01).
ChromiumCr24Base metal (81.12).
CobaltCo27Base metal (81.05).
CopperCu29Base metal (Chapter 74).
CuriumCm96Radioactive element (28.44).
DysprosiumDy66Rare.earth metal (28.05).
EinsteiniumEs99Radioactive element (28.44).
ErbiumEr68Rare.earth metal (28.05).
EuropiumEu63Rare.earth metal (28.05).
FermiumFm100Radioactive element (28.44).
FluorineF9Non.metal (28.01).
FranciumFr87Radioactive element (28.44).
GadoliniumGd64Rare.earth metal (28.05).
GalliumGa31Base metal (81.12).
GermaniumGe32Base metal (81.12).
GoldAu79Precious metal (71.08).
HafniumHf72Base metal (81.12).
HeliumHe2Rare gas (28.04).
HolmiumHo67Rare.earth metal (28.05).
HydrogenH1Non.metal (28.04).
IndiumIn49Base metal (81.12)
IodineI53Non.metal (28.01).
IridiumIr77Precious metal (71.10).
IronFe26Base metal (Chapter 72).
KryptonKr36Rare gas (28.04).
LanthanumLa57Rare.earth metal (28.05).
LawrenciumLr103Radioactive element (28.44).
LeadPb82Base metal (Chapter 78).
LithiumLi3Alkali metal (28.05).
LutetiumLu71Rare.earth metal (28.05).
MagnesiumMg12Base metal (81.04).
ManganeseMn25Base metal (81.11).
MendeleviumMd101Radioactive element (28.44).
MercuryHg80Metal (28.05).
MolybdenumMo42Base metal (81.02).
NeodymiumNd60Rare.earth metal (28.05).
NeonNe10Rare gas (28.04).
NeptuniumNp93Radioactive element (28.44).
NickelNi28Base metal (Chapter 75).
NiobiumNb41Base metal (81.12).
NitrogenN7Non- metal (28.04).
NobeliumNo102Radioactive element (28.44).
OsmiumOs76Precious metal (71.10).
OxygenO8Non.metal (28.04).
PalladiumPd46Precious metal (71.10).
PhosphorusP15Non.metal (28.04).
PlatinumPt78Precious metal (71.10).
PlutoniumPu94Radioactive element (28.44).
PoloniumPo84Radioactive element (28.44).
PotassiumK19Alkali metal (28.05).
PraseodymiumPr59Rare.earth metal (28.05).
PromethiumPm61Radioactive element (28.44).
ProtactiniumPa91Radioactive element (28.44).
RadiumRa88Radioactive element (28.44).
RadonRn86Radioactive element (28.44).
RheniumRe75Base metal (81.12).
RhodiumRh45Precious metal (71.10).
RubidiumRb37Alkali metal (28.05).
RutheniumRu44Precious metal (71.10).
SamariumSm62Rare.earth metal (28.05).
ScandiumSc21Classified with the rare.earth metals (28.05).
SeleniumSe34Non.metal (28.04).
SiliconSi14Non.metal (28.04).
SilverAg47Precious metal (71.06).
SodiumNa11Alkali metal (28.05).
StrontiumSr38Alkaline.earth metal (28.05).
SulphurS16Non.metal (28.02). (But see 25.03 for crude sulphur).
TantalumTa73Base metal (81.03).
TechnetiumTc43Radioactive element (28.44).
TelluriumTe52Non.metal (28.04).
TerbiumTb65Rare.earth metal (28.05).
ThalliumTl81Base metal (81.12).
ThoriumTh90Radioactive element (28.44).
ThuliumTm69Rare‑earth metal (28.05).
TinSn50Base metal (Chapter 80).
TitaniumTi22Base metal (81.08).
TungstenW74Base metal (81.01).
UraniumU92Radioactive element (28.44).
VanadiumV23Base metal (81.12).
XenonXe54Rare gas (28.04).
YtterbiiumYb70Rare‑earth metal (28.05).
YttriumY39Classified with the rare‑earth metals (28.05).
ZincZn30Base metal (Chapter 79).
ZirconiumZr40Base metal (81.09).

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