Heading 8433 : Harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce, other than machinery of heading 84.37.
This heading covers machines used in place of hand tools, for the mechanical performance of the following operations :(A) Harvesting of agricultural crops (e.g., reaping, croplifting, gathering, picking, threshing, binding or bundling). Hay or grass mowers, and straw or fodder balers are also included in this heading. (B) Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce. The provisions of Explanatory Note to heading 84.32 apply, mutatis mutandis, to this heading, e.g., in respect of tractors fitted with harvesting, threshing, mowing or other interchangeable attachments, and in respect of motor rakes. (A) HARVESTING OR THRESHING MACHINERY, INCLUDING STRAW OR FODDER BALERS; GRASS OR HAY MOWERS These include : (1) Lawn mowers, whether worked by hand or motor driven. They may have a cutter bar like an agricultural mower, rotary blades which cut the grass against a fixed horizontal blade, or a rotating disc with knives on the outer edge. (2) Mowers (including motormowers) for cutting hay, etc. They usually consist of a horizontal cutter bar and sections which cut by the oscillating action of teeth between the fingers of the cutter bar, or they may consist of rotating discs or drums with knives on the outer edge. (3) Mowers equipped with a device for depositing the cut crop in rows across the field (mower-windrowers and mower-conditioners). (4) Hay tedders (e.g., with lifting forks or drums). (5) Hay rakes, usually consisting of a wheeled row of semi-circular teeth, which can be lifted automatically. (6) Tedder rakes, windrower rakes, bundling rakes. (7) Pick-up balers and bale rollers, for picking up and baling hay or straw left on the field. (8) Combine harvesters, which successively reap, thresh, clean and discharge the grain. (9) Maize (corn) cutters, pickers, harvesters and shellers. (10) Self-loading trailers permanently mounted with harvesting equipment, for cutting, chopping and transporting grass, maize (corn), etc. (11) Cotton pickers. (12) Flax pickers. (13) Grape harvesters (trailed or self-propelled). (14) Vegetable harvesters (for beans, tomatoes, etc.). (15) Potato diggers (ploughshare, fork and grill types). (16) Root topping machines, root lifters and root harvesters for beet and similar root crops. (17) Forage harvesters. (18) Tree shakers. (19) Harvesting machines for other agricultural produce (oil seeds, etc.). (20) Grain threshers. This heading also includes automatic threshing machine feeders, whether or not separately presented (i.e., auxiliary machines designed to ensure regular feeding of the thresher by opening and spreading out the sheaves). (21) Machines for removing leaves from the maize (corn) cobs; maize (corn) threshers. This heading also covers lawn mowers, known as riding lawn mowers, consisting of three or four wheeled basic machines fitted with a driving seat and having a permanently attached cutter, i.e., one which is removed only for repair or maintenance. Since their principal function is the mowing of lawns, they remain in this heading even if they have a coupling device for hauling or pushing light attachments such as a trailer. However, the heading excludes portable machines for trimming lawns, cutting grass along walls, borders or under bushes, for example. These machines, which are composed of a self-contained internal combustion engine in a light metal frame, or of an electric motor mounted on a metal handle, and a cutting device usually consisting of one or more thin nylon threads, are classified in heading 84.67. (B) MACHINES FOR CLEANING, SORTING OR GRADING EGGS, FRUIT OR OTHER AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE The heading also covers machines, whether of horticultural, agricultural or industrial types, used for cleaning, sorting or grading produce, such as eggs, fruit, potatoes, onions, bulbs, carrots, asparagus and gherkins, according to size, shape, weight, etc. They remain classified in the heading whether or not they are electrically operated (e.g., photoelectric testers and graders), and they may be equipped with auxiliary devices (e.g., for testing eggs or for marking the produce). Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables are excluded (heading 84.37). ¤· ¤·¤· Certain machines of the type falling in this heading (e.g., harvesters, combines, threshers, pick-up balers, baling presses, grading machines) often incorporate subsidiary lifting, handling, conveying, etc., apparatus (e.g., conveyor belts, sheaf and straw hoists and bucket-chains); these are classified with the machine, provided they are presented therewith; when presented separately they fall in heading 84.28. PARTS Subject to the general provisions regarding the classification of parts (see the General Explanatory Note to Section XVI), parts of the machines of this heading are also classified here, e.g., : Cutter bars, implement lifting mechanisms and fingers for mowers or harvesters; oscillating connecting-rods for transmitting motion to cutter bars of lawn mowers or grass cutters; separators, dividers, rakes, platforms, and binding mechanisms for harvester-binders; windrow attachments; cutter boards; beaters, counter-beaters, shakers, straw ejectors, etc., for combine harvesters or threshing machines; shares, teeth, forks and other tools for potato or other root crop lifting machines; drums and forks for hay tedders; teeth, implement lifting mechanisms for rakes; pick-up rakes for gathering machines or balers. ¤· ¤·¤· This heading does not include : (a) Cutting blades and blade sections for mowers (heading 82.08). (b) Sheaf, straw or bag hoists; blower type hay or straw elevators; bucket or pneumatic type grain elevators; agricultural cranes or other loading, lifting, handling or conveying machinery (heading 84.26 or 84.28). (c) Tree-felling or uprooting machinery and farm type straw cutters, root slicers, grain mills and egg testers (heading 84.36). (d) Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables and machinery used in the milling industry, of heading 84.37. (e) Cotton gins (heading 84.45). (f) Tobacco leaf stripping or cutting machines (heading 84.78).