This heading covers all articles of zinc other than those covered by the preceding headings of this Chapter, or by Note 1 to Section XV, or articles specified or included in Chapter 82 or 83 or more specifically covered elsewhere in the Nomenclature. The heading covers, inter alia :(1) Reservoirs, vats, drums and similar containers not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment. (2) Tubular containers for packing pharmaceutical products, etc. (3) Cloth, grill and netting of zinc wire, and expanded metal. (4) Zinc nails, tacks, nuts, bolts, screws and other articles of the types described in the Explanatory Notes to headings 73.17 and 73.18. (5) Household or sanitary articles such as buckets, pails, sinks, baths, basins, watering-cans, douches, scrubbing boards and jugs. (Many such articles are, however, more frequently made of galvanised iron or steel and are then excluded (headings 73.23 and 73.24)). (6) Zinc labels (for trees, plants, etc.) not bearing letters, numbers or designs, or bearing only particulars incidental to the essential information which is to be added later. Labels completed with all the essential information fall in heading 83.10. (7) Stencil plates. (8) Tile hangers and other miscellaneous zinc products corresponding to the iron or steel goods referred to in the Explanatory Notes to headings 73.25 and 73.26. (9) (Electroplating anodes (see Part (A) of the Explanatory Note to heading 75.08). (10) Cathodic protection anodes (sacrificial anodes) used for protecting pipelines, ships tanks, etc., from corrosion. (11) Gutters, roof capping, skylight frames, rainwater heads, door or window frames, balustrades, railings, frameworks for greenhouses and other fabricated building components corresponding to the iron and steel articles referred to in the Explanatory Note to heading 73.08. (12) Tubes and pipes defined in Chapter Note 1 (e) and tube or pipe fittings (for example couplings, elbows, sleeves), of zinc (other than hollow profiles (heading 79.04), fittings with taps, cocks, valves, etc. (heading 84.81) and tubes and pipes made up into specific identifiable articles, such as machinery parts (Section XVI)). These articles correspond to the iron or steel goods referred to in the Explanatory Notes to headings 73.04 to 73.07.