The principal ores generally classified in this heading are :(a) Atacamite, natural copper hydroxychloride. (b) Azurite, basic copper carbonate. (c) Bornite (or erubescite), sulphide of copper and iron. (d) Bournonite, sulphide of copper, lead and antimony. (e) Brochantite, basic copper sulphate. (f) Chalcocite, copper sulphide. (g) Chalcopyrite (copper pyrites), sulphide of copper and iron. (h) Chrysocolla, hydrated copper silicate. (ij) Covellite, copper sulphide. (k) Cuprite, cuprous oxide. (l) Dioptase, copper silicate. (m) Grey copper ore (often silver-bearing), a sulphide of copper and antimony (tetrahedrite or fahlerz) or a sulphide of copper and arsenic (tennantite, enargite). (n) Malachite, basic copper carbonate. (o) Tenorite, cupric oxide.