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  ´Ü°èº°ºÐ·ù Á¦5ºÎ ±¤¹°¼º »ý»êÇ°  > Á¦25·ù ¾Ï¼®±¤¹°  > Á¦2521È£ ¼®È¸¼®
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This heading covers limestone flux and limestone and other calcareous rocks commonly used for the manufacture of lime or cement, not being building or monumental stone (heading 25.15or 25.16). Dolomite falls in heading 25.18and chalk in heading 25.09.
Limestone flux is chiefly employed as a flux in the iron and steel industry.
The heading also includes these materials when presented in powder form for soil improvement. However, it does not cover crushed or broken stone for use as concrete aggregates, road metalling or railway ballast (heading 25.17).
¢¸ Á¦2520È£ Á¦2522È£ ¢º

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